Naming your restaurant(Monaco) after the consulate that happens to be located in the same hotel is not a particularly good idea. But OK, I can live with that. Having a staff that is incompetent to the extreme on the other hand is not.
I didn't start off well, then again neither did they. I ordered the easiest thing on the menu - Caesar's Salad with grilled chicken and a bottle of white wine. I love Caesar's salad, can't stand when it's soggy and when people who serve it, don't know that there's just one way to make it and that it has nothing to do with ancient Rome.
Caesar Cardini is in the history books and millions of people are enjoying his creation from Mexico for hundreds of years to come. Unfortunately restaurant Monaco is not a good place for doing that. Don't get me wrong, quite possibly everything else on the menu is delicious. And maybe you'll get great service as well...
P.S. I'm adding a picture of the original in Tijuana.
Kuivatatud kaunviljad. Oluline valguallikas.
5 days ago
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